Central location for transport
Kouvola has a logistically most central location with railway connections to all cardinal points and main road connections in six directions. In Kouvola, we have the largest cargo marshalling yard in Finland and significant railway interchange for both passenger and freight traffic.

Kouvola is located in the South-East of Finland, close to the capital area and the ports of Helsinki and HaminaKotka. It takes only 1h 30 minutes to the international airport Helsinki-Vantaa. By train it takes 1h 19 minutes to Helsinki and some two hours to St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kouvola is a logistics hub between Asia and Europe. We offer business opportunities especially in warehousing and distribution.
For more information please contact Kouvola Innovation:
Mr. Harri Mustonen, tel. +358 20 615 4380
Ms. Aleksandra Turunen tel. +358 20 615 8140
email: firstname.surname@kinno.fi
Updated 15.7.2021